Complaint FAQs

What can I complain to the Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh about?

We can receive and handle complaints against any case of maladministration in any Government of Sindh Agency. If you are not sure if your complaint is one we can help with, just ask us.

What are the types of complaints the Mohtasib Sindh cant help with?

We cannot help you if your complaint is about:

  • matters that are sub-judice
  • external Affairs
  • defence matters
  • service matters
  • Are there any steps I should take before making a complaint to the Mohtasib Sindh?

    Although it is not mandatory to do so, we advise that you complain first to the Agency you believe is responsible. This may lead to an early resolution at the level of the Agency itself.

    Is there a time limit for making a complaint?

    Yes. Complaints must ordinarily be filed within 3 months of the cause of your grievance. Exceptions can be made, but are subject to your providing reasonable justification for the delay in making the complaint.

    Will the Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh investigate anonymous complaints?

    No. The Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh does not undertake an investigation into anonymous complaints.

    Can someone else make a complaint on my behalf?

    No. The complaint must be made by the aggrieved person himself/herself. However, after the complaint has been made, the complainant can authorize another person well versed with the complete details of the case to represent him/her in hearings.

    How much does it cost to make a complaint?

    The Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindhs services are free.

    How can I make a complaint?

    Complaints can be made to our head office or regional offices:

  • By email (
  • Online on our website
  • Via postal mail
  • In person
  • Complaints can be made to our head office or regional offices:

    What should I include in my complaint?

    Keep it simple and stick to the facts. Be as specific as possible about dates, names and other important details. There should be enough information for the Mohtasib Sindh to understand the circumstances of your complaint and decide how to deal with it. When writing your complaint, think about:

  • What happened?
  • Where did the events take place?
  • When (time and date)?
  • Who was involved? Names, designations of officers or staff
  • Do you have any documents which may be relevant? If so, you may want to supply copies with your complaint.
  • Have you taken any action already in relation to your complaint? What happened?
  • What action or outcome would you like to see as a result of your complaint?
  • Tips for making a complaint

    What happens after I make a complaint?

    All complaints made to the Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh are first screened to see if they fall within our jurisdiction. If not, the complainant will be informed of the reasons why the Mohtasib Sindh will not handle his complaint. Occasionally in such cases, a letter is written to the Agency against which complaint has been made to facilitate the complainant.

    If the complaint falls within the jurisdiction of Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh, we will process it as per our defined procedures. All complaints will be handled in the strictest confidence and the complainants will be informed of the results of their complaints.

    What happens next?

      If the Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh admits your complaint, an investigation is initiated. You and the Agency complained against will both be given equal opportunities to present your side of the story.

      After this investigation is completed, the Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh gives his decision on the complaint. If he finds the Agency has treated you fairly and in accordance with law, he will deny your request.

      In case he finds the Agency guilty of maladministration, he will send his recommendations to the Agency, specifying action to be taken within a defined time period.

      The Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh then follows up with the Agency on implementation of the recommendations. If the Mohtasib Sindh concludes that the Agency is acting in defiance of the recommendations and willfully not implementing them he will file a formal reference to the Governor Sindh, who may at his discretion, give further directions to the Agency directly.

    How long does it take to resolve a complaint?

    This varies from complaint to complaint but we aim to resolve complaints within 3 to 6 months.

    What can I expect from the Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh?

    We aim to redress grievances as fairly and quickly as possible and to deal with the complainant respectfully. Our Service Charter sets out our standards of service in detail.

    Can I appeal against the recommendation of the Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh?

    Once the Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh has given a decision on your complaint, you can make a representation to the Governor Sindh within 30 days of receipt of the decision.

    What if I am dissatisfied with the service provided by the Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh?

    You can write, email to the Secretary, Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Sindh Secretariat, if you think we have:

  • treated you unfairly or rudely
  • failed to explain things properly or caused unreasonable delays.
  • Have Any Complaint?

    We work towards resolving complaints and delivering relief to the public by conducting objective investigations into the issues raised.